The Signal Processing and Systems (SP&S) seminar at the Technion‘s Electrical Engineering department is a colloquium forum intended for presenting research topics involving signal processing, image processing, computer vision, machine learning, data analysis etc.
The seminar’s intended audience is graduate students, faculty, and visitors from academia and industry. The talks are typically informal, encouraging all attendants to ask questions and contribute ideas. There is usually a one-hour talk every week during the academic year, given by a visitor, a faculty member or a graduate student.
The seminar usually takes place on Wednesdays, 14:30, in room 1061 of the Electrical Engineering departments Mayer Building, for more detail on the location see the “Directions” Page.
If you are interested in joining the SP&S mailing list, please use the following registration link.
If you have something interesting to present, or for any other comment or suggestion, please contact the seminar coordinator Maya Rapaport.